The year just isn't complete without a few things. High school graduation is one of them. One needs to hear Pomp and Circumstance once a year, to remember how far we have come. In a perfect world, a wedding, the birth of a newborn baby, and a Thanksgiving or Christmas, would round up the top five events that one has in their lives to let them, remember.
I am so with the graduates on that first note of P&C. I remember my high school graduation. Not a great time in my life, a bit tough but didn't know that it would get tougher in a few short months. It is the one time in your life when anything seems possible, mainly because you are too starry-eyed to see the Big Picture as seen by one with a fully developed brain. The Big Picture of a 17 yr old graduate still thinks that there is room for one more Superman, and that being Spiderman... is not all that impossible. That being Miss Anything is possible, even probable. It is not any generations fault, magical thinking is still the default of that age.
The turning of the tassels, the tears in the eyes of parents. As I sat there listening to the speeches, my mind kept saying, over and over... we invented the iPod, Ipad, even the internet. What are you going to do? And I can't wait to see, what they come up with. Congrats Class of 2013, now go find your Impossible...