They are saying goodbye to their oldest tomorrow morning. He is making his way to Seattle to find his fame and fortune. If one is going to seek fame and fortune, doing it while you are young is the best time to do it. It is one of the only times in your life when you are not yet burdened by what you know. Your experiences are few and if you come from a good family, they are mostly positive which give you a fighting chance. He is young, but he is smart. All the things that frighten his parents, have not crossed his mind yet. If he felt everything that they felt, he wouldn't even venture out. be young and carefree again.
I think he will miss them more than they miss him. I don't expect him to admit it but in a few weeks when the newness wears off, the small apartment with a roommate might have him dreaming of his old bedroom and his big basement playground. After all. that is all he knows.
Family teaches us what is normal. I am not saying that what they teach us is right but it is the standard that we judge everyone else by. If you come from a dysfunctional home. it it the only normal you ever know - until you get out in the Real World. If you have somewhat normal parents, the transition doesn't have the same contrast and learning curve. When you leave your family of origin and start your own life, those life lessons go with you and either you weave them into your new life or you start over, and make new ones. It is just the way it is. Family can give you a FABulous head start, as J has. He has all the love and support of his family and he KNOWS he always will. That is quite a thing to have. Pack that in your backpack, J and take it with you wherever you go - it will make all the difference. Be safe and know there is alot of love back home for you. You are already a lucky guy...