Not a big space girl. Seems like a lot about nothing. Until the diapered astronut, I never cared much. That event sort of perked me up but as with everything NASA- related, the rules don't seem to apply to them. Secrecy seems to be their theme until they want the attention. Barbara Morgan has been a bright spot in their program but come on, 22 years to wait seems like an incredibly long time to invest in a single human cause.
In their last mission (why is it that NASA always makes it sound like they are super-heroes trying to save the world?)the issue of the foam tiles came up again. This tile problem has been on-going and dangerous. What other industry doesn't solve a dangerous problem before continuing on? Why would you risk human life when you have a known problem that you are not 100% sure is corrected? It took several days for NASA to decide if the crew would try to fix the problem in space or just hope for the best, and bring them home. Everyday for most of the week, we waited while NASA talked to whoever they talk too. It would appear from their hesitancy that they really didn't know what to do. Risk losing a few astronauts right there and then or lose the entire crew when they headed home. This would be my perspective, Fix the tiles before you send up another ship.
On the other hand, it is nice to know that NASA does have some great success in housekeeping matters. They have perfected the #1 and #2 issues. Not putting a SVU on the moon or building a Starbucks on Jupiter but the bathroom #1 and #2 issues.
More like a PSA, this will make you proud of where your tax dollars are going. NASA is also trying humor in their presentations. I, for one, would feel better if they would leave stand up to the professionals and just fix the tiles...