fairy tale...

Once upon a time...This is exactly how I saw it in my mind. We had been waiting for a break in the weather and schedules to make it happen but last Thursday, it all came together.

We took 2 vans and packed it a bunch of props to make what we saw in our minds, come true in the forest. Miss M could not have been a more willing model. She was even more accommodating than Teddy. She had 2 shooters and did her best to give us, what we ask for.

Because Miss M and I also had a sleepover on Thursday, editing would have to come later. While popa and Miss M played, I got a peek at what was in teh camera and felt confident, that all was right with the world. I worked on some yesterday and already have one framed.

This is what childhood should look like. Like a fairy tale. Not devoid of chores and responsibilities but to have the ability to play, laugh and play. There is another set of pictures where Teddy has been replaced...by me. I knew it would have to be. Years from now, I hope Miss M looks at these pictures and see the love that surrounds her. The play that we all encouraged for her. May she know that the love her nana has for her is deep and wide. Smart enough to know that life isn't about fairy tales and that Sometime, it will be very hard but if she can keep herself open to the fairy tales when they come her way and enjoy them - she will be ahead of many of us...and they all lived happily ever after.