the Big Picture...
Picture all the expectations you have for yourself, your life, your spouse, your kids, your coworkers, your job, the world. Take them from inside you, and toss them in the ocean. A river or lake will also do.
What happens to them? They float. They’re carried around by waves. The current takes them out, and they drift away. Let them be washed away by the cleansing waters, and let them go.
Now, live your life without them.
What’s a life without expectations like? It means you accept reality as it is, without expectations, without trying to force people into the containers you have for them, seeing things as they are. It’s a life where you don’t need to be disappointed or frustrated or angry — or if you are, you accept it, and then let it go.Zen Habits
Me and a million of my human colleagues watched this afternoon as the case we had been following for three years ended, with a not guilty verdict. A mother who admits he daughter died and that evening, she is seen on video, renting movies and acting completely normal by the boyfriend that was with her. The mother who didn't report her daughter missing for 31 days before her mother dragged her out of boyfriend's home, demanding to see her granddaughter. The mother who no matter what a jury of her peers have decided, will have to account to the One who gave her life of her actions, Someday.
Obviously, I am part of Team SheDidIt. Never able to imagine that she would be completely set free, that she would HAVE to be found of guilty of a lesser charge at the very minimum. Why all the emotion? Women don't like women who hurt their children. Those of us who had mothers like Casey Anthony, even less so. We have a hard time wrapping our brains around that concept even though it is nothing new. To be able to give life and feel the right to take it away, doesn't make sense to most of us. It never will.
I had read this quote last week and I didn't know what it meant until I heard the words, Not Guilty today. No instant gratification today. Today is about, the Big Picture. Somedays are just like that...