Spent part of the day, searching for affordable medical insurance as DH and I will lose ours at retirement. 45 years of having insurance, this just feels strange. What is even stranger is that I found the best deals today during my 6 month search and they are still, out of reach. Had been looking at plans with a $10,000 deductable that would cost over 100% of our combined pensions. Today I found 5 plans that only would cost between 42% - 47%. Still not doable.
While not a Numbers Girl, I love the basic premise of percentages. When I read the commments at Amazon before buying a book, camera or anything - what I am really looking at is how strong something is like or disliked by a group of people whose only involvement is wanting a great product. At the App store, the comments drive whether I buy an app, or not, period.
There are times where the numbers, just don't jive. Was having trouble reading a book club selection. The first chapter put me off but I plugged away for 2 more. There was no going forward. I looked up the comments of Amazon and 99% of those people seemed to be reading a different book. Glowing reports of wonderfulness that was completely and utterly, lost on me.
While no one can say for sure, I am 100% sure that percentages are a big part of our lives, maybe even huge....