men 2.0...

Even while suffering from the effects of eating his weight in carne aside, he is able to go out and socialize with his band of neighborhood brothers. These male creatures never cease to amaze me. I am stunned at their ability to watch things for hours. They delight in the little, small, tiny, dumb things that we women would never stand or sit for. Right now, the man who couldn't get 2 feet from the bathroom, has been out for over 2 hours watching tree limbs fall to the ground and then cut up into little pieces.

I could understand it if they didn't have YouTube and MSNBC. I have never seen these three men together, and we have lived here 14 years, yet this tree has brought them together. Women are brought together by yard sales, Tupperware parties and grief. Men, obviously, can be brought together with trees. I have been happily working on Mothers Day photos, looking at my girl with her girl. The boys wrestling and desperately hoping for a outcome that doesn't involve the er.

So Happy Monday fro the great NW, where the men bond over trees and the women, well, just are...