Pete Sousa
Following Pete Sousa, designated WH photographer, as he lives out his career following President Obama around, fills a basic need we all have. He takes between 500 to 1500 photos a day and never deletes a photo. To preserve memories. We are all little Pete Sousa's as we follow family and friends, favorite haunts and delicious things that you never saw coming.. Doing what he does without pay or recognition for the same reasons. to have a record of us. Who, what where all those things that define, describe and delight in who we are. as we start to think about closing 2016 out and getting a fresh shot at 2017, our minds are swirling with new and bubbly ideas. Keep the ones that worked and make new plans for those that just didn't make the cut. Looking at some new back up,ideas for storing photos on line and look forward to a clean slate for the new year. Ready to document new memories and see what makes me so happy as I check my Camera Roll every week. 2016 was a tough year emotionally but from a photographer standpoint, it was awesome. Thank you, my friend.