paper towels 101...
There is a reason that paper towels are perforated. Try to tear one in the middle or a sheet and you have got yourself in a real mess, They perforate the paper towels for a reason and by that reason I mean, we human can be pretty dumb.
We may be able to travel to the moon, think up the internet and invent Red Velvet Pop Tarts but there are times, we are as slow as molasses. We couldn't see it if it jumped out and bit us. There are perforations on sandwich bags and grated cheese. Just admit it, we all need a little help and god forbid, if we try to go around, the perforations. Now, you have got a big mess for the life of your product and it will haunt you every, single time you use the product.
Real life is just like that. There are perforations sprinkled all through our lives. Some times we get it and sometimes we try to get around it. Next time you think you are smarter, better, faster - remember the paper towel. Make good choices...