The basketball season ended last weekend. Had a chance to watch Gage's coach and how he interacted with his team. I think he was a perfect match for 10 year old boys. By trade, he is trained to help people puts their thoughts together, to help them make sense of the lives they have been giving. He is the only coach I have ever known who has not passed out the different stars at the end of each game. He waits until practice, the next week.
Sportsmanship, Christlikeness, offense, defense. They are each given a particular star and told why. This coach ends the games a bit differently. He asks them to highligh what they or someone did right. He won't let them dwell om mistakes. He will say over and over again, just the highlights.
Not many places in life where you are only allowed to talk about the highlights of life. You complain, you get better service, or something free. Most everything we do rewards the complaints we make. Police officers don's top you for going the speed limit. There is no prize for telling someone they undercharged you. You get results when you go agains the grain. That is why we are all, so good at it.
Thanks Coach for the lesson. Tell me the highlights, what would that look like in each of our lives?...