Kept Easter close to the vest, this year. Not sure why but the last week, I realized that is was ok. That Sometimes, we are private and while the whole message of Easter is to tell the world,the Holy Spirit can get His message out, if I am quiet. Social media covers more than we could ever imagine, not that God needs help but I think He does like to hear from our hearts. It is a good thing that we are not all silent at the same time. I thought about Sandy Hook and all the Easter baskets that would not be this year. Those empty spots at the table this year and lots more.
This morning it was all brought in to one moment when my favorite ever song leader was so excited,...He has freaking, risen. Could never be prepared for that, would not wish to be his inbox this week but his enthusiasm, was infectious. See beyond the word, see his heart. He has freaking, risen...Could not have said it better myself...