the Race...

There is a lot of Community in each of our lives but there is no doubt that most of life is singular. There are choices to be weighed, actions to be taken and decisions to be made. We are in a Race. We are the runner and as we run, we live. When we start looking around to see who is ahead of us and who is falling behind, we lose. It is not a Race against each other even though that is how we perceive most of life. It's not about who had the biggest house or most profitable 401K. It's not about whose kid is the smartest or most popular. It is not a race against each other. Its not about getting to the finish line first.

If we run the Race with all our heart and soul, we win
If we run the Race helping someone along the way, we win
If we run the Race at our own pace, we win.

My Race these days, is more about even keel than passing. Passing has always been my default, more bang for my buck - value. Always the hare and never the turtle, I realize how much I missed by running as fast as I can. If it is about going fast, we might as well pack it in at 25. While always the hare, I can temper that with perspective. I may never stop to smell the roses but I am learning to slow down and grab your hand...