
What could be better than pizza with a great friend, while Superman looks over us. Nothing. Absolutely Nothing...


I imagine myself to be like a girl Superman. I have practiced taking down Bad Guys, with a single bound. The ne time I needed to, paid off nicely. I did everything right, didn't panic. While there was no physical take down, and the perp was elderly and, clearly have a kid's sheriff's badge, he threathened my family we didn't take the bait. We got his license number, refused to get out of the car when he was screaming at us in the middle of the road and while he sped away, thinking he had gotten away with his little deal, the cops went knocking at his door a few minutes later and it was only a technicality that he didn't go to jail.

My superpowers worked even without the cape. I keep thinking about the cape, and getting one. seriously. Not to make all the BG aware of who the are messing with but as a physical reminder to me of how strong I am. How brave, how territorial... Don't screw with the girl in the cape, choose someone else. Someone easier to take down. My husband would argue that I am scary enough without a cape and feels sorry for everyone who comes across my path, that I see as a threat.

And then there are those days when I realize I am only as strong as my wifi signal. Humbled, I remember where my strength comes from...


Same menu
Same people
Good times

19th spaghetti dinner was last night. We all get together once a year and it is like no time has passed. The kids are getting bigger and a few have moved away. We missed them but had great conversation with the Millennials. Loved seeing the world from their perspective. We are all a little older, hopefully a little wiser but no matter what, have certainly seen much change since we started this little church all those years ago.

When we started there was no home computers, no internet and no social media. Times have changed and so have all of us. A few more grey hairs and. a few more pounds gained. Yet we continue our tradition. Our dessert girl thought about changing up the brownies but was quickly silenced by her own family. I know as soon as she started getting the new ingredients together, it would have dawned on her that this was no place to start Something new. She got the message and we feasted on her brownies which are out of this world. Until next year, my friends. Stay safe, well until we meet again...

about a boy...

We all know that there are Seasons of life. Babies, kids, teen, Big Person, and geezer. You know who you are.

But, watching someone else's Season is a bit tougher yet necessary.

This boy is turning into a man. You can see it in his face. I noticed it last week when I picked him up from school. I had just seen that face but it looked different to me. Same eyes, same eyebrow, he might have grown another inch in the last few days but nothing you could put your finger on yet, it was there, Glaring back at me. He is on the brink of manhood.

My prayers from him won't change, I will just add to them. I have never been a 15 year old boy yet I think I have a handle on how to pray for him. Everyday that I am able to loo into this face, I will do all I can to love and support him. He needs all of us now, more than ever. It is not easy growing up, these days. Guiding yet letting him grow, he has a whole support system that wants nothing but the very best for him.

I love you buddy, and will do whatever I can to help you continue to grow into the fine young man, I can see in your face. Boy to world, here he comes...

good choices...

Sometimes, we want what we want, when we want it.

She loved her makeup face that her mommy, the Makeup Queen did for her during the game last Sunday. She would wear it all the time, if you let her. Did she look beautiful? Of course she did but the photo I took the next day, was way more beautiful and no makeup. She will look like this soon enough, all the time. Girls and makeup have always been and will always be but in between the always and will be comes the idea of good choices. At this Moment, her parents are making most of her choices, from what she wears to what she eats to who she sees. With each year, those choices are less her parents and more, hers. One day, they will be totally hers and everything her parents taught her, will be evident.

We are all a bad choice away from disaster in our own lives.
Good choice, bad choice, it is entirely up to each of us.
We also live with the consequences of those choices.

So it is simple, go out there and make good choices today. Even if it doesn't make you happy or giddy. Even if you have somehow have gotten it into your head that you deserve it. If we all got what we deserved, it wouldn't be cupcakes and roses. Do your best, that is all anyone asks. Good luck...

today, tomorrow and every day you are given...

Whatever you did today, own it. Whether delight or default, truth or dare, hello or goodbye. It was yours to claim and time spent was done with your permission and choosing. Using your powers for good or evil, knowing to whom you belong. Thankful for the opportunity and God willing, we all get another crack at it tomorrow...

Any given day...

Today we reaffirm:

Do you believe...?
I believe...

Will you persevere/proclaim/seek/serve/strive...?
I will, with God's help...

Good words, Teo Bishop. Thank you...

Polar Vortex...

All 50 states reported having below freezing temps today. Every single one.

Having coffee with a good friend, figuring out all that is right, wrong, fair and unfair. Sharing lives with a few tears and if you pay attention, walk away a bit smarter than you came in. You may even walk away with another piece of your own Puzzle. No better way to spend a day, polar vortex or not...

one of those days...

It has been one of those days that I needed to be reminded, to color outside the lines. I needed to be alone with my thoughts and my feelings had hi-jacked my mind. There was sadness everywhere. I needed to look at the colors and see that life it is messy, that there are overlaps, that we don't always get what we want and that most of all, that is ok.

The one thing I did walk away with was a new understanding of grace. Grace is received as Something we didn't deserve. Nothing in our behavior, warranted being loved, yet we were and maybe more to the point that those of us in community who see the unearned act of grace being bestowed on someone, react with pure joy. That even if it is Something we have asked for, prayed for and never received, we can say without a Moment's hesitation, I am so happy for you...

I want that kind of grace, in my life. I want to spend more days, coloring outside the lines and truly be amazed at how God works. If He is for us, who can be against us. Time to start living that out and today, is a great day to begin...

December kind of people...


Dec 26, kind of people. Now that we have crossed over into January, it is more apparent. Gone are the feel good vibes we had even on Christmas. Helping people seemed to be a natural out pouring in December, yet the minute the packages are all open, in an instant, we switch back to pre holiday mode.
People are still hungry, unemployed and can't pay the heat bill. My theory is that it is a lot more fun to buy presents for those who find themselves in want. Makes us feel good about ourselves yet the Moment that invisible switch goes off, we are done. The red kettles are gone and so is our charity spirit. I want to bring December into my life this January, and February and all through the year. I want to be open to the things I can do, big or small. The ones that are sent my way. I want that red kettle to be a sign that caring is just not for December. I want to be December kind of people, every day...