
Same menu
Same people
Good times

19th spaghetti dinner was last night. We all get together once a year and it is like no time has passed. The kids are getting bigger and a few have moved away. We missed them but had great conversation with the Millennials. Loved seeing the world from their perspective. We are all a little older, hopefully a little wiser but no matter what, have certainly seen much change since we started this little church all those years ago.

When we started there was no home computers, no internet and no social media. Times have changed and so have all of us. A few more grey hairs and. a few more pounds gained. Yet we continue our tradition. Our dessert girl thought about changing up the brownies but was quickly silenced by her own family. I know as soon as she started getting the new ingredients together, it would have dawned on her that this was no place to start Something new. She got the message and we feasted on her brownies which are out of this world. Until next year, my friends. Stay safe, well until we meet again...