being 13...

One of the first things I noticed about 13 is that there is no longer a stack of wrapped presents, just waiting to be opened. When the Birthday List is cash-inclusive, so go the stacks and the wrapping. It is not only the end of an era but the begining of a new one.

Still doesn't seem like we have been grandparents for 13 years. Seems like just yesterday but the hair that is growing on this young man's body, the beginnings of all things, men - is clearly obvious. Never having a brother or a son, being able to watch this season of a boy to man cycle is fascinating. Now I see, how they evolve and how they grow up into the men that you see today.

I also see why his parents keep a tight rein on him. He has manners, and is very polite. Those things don't come naturally to boys or girls, they have to be taught or they don't get learned, and if they don't learn it young, they usually never learn it at all.

Happy Birthday, Keaton! Papa and Nana could not be more proud of you. You are a Rock Star in our world and we love you, to infinity and beyond...