Jesus Love...
The pastor talked about The Table this morning. They were table and chairs up on the platform, he brought up a paper wrpped loaf of french bread and proceeded with his sermon. He likened the table to the church and each chair represented a group of people. Mature believers, new believers, those on the fringe and those who are completely on the outside. This morning, he brought up high chair up on the platform. For the whiners in church. Those who are never happy with the little things. He is a little guy so when he sat in the high chair with the tray in his lap and a binkie in his mouth, it was all too real when he started complaining about the chairs being moved around and all the other things people complaint about regularly in church. It was a good lesson and the high chair is not going to be a regular addition to the table because it is not an addition but a subtraction.
But, you did have this feeling that something was missing. DH said it on the way home, where was Jesus? There was no talk of where Jesus was, he might have wanted us to understand that it was already implyed but neither of us got that. We all look for Jesus in different ways and could probably never agree on even 5. The hair stands up on the back on my neck when I hear about someone is going to do something for Jesus, on his behalf. We don't work for Jesus, we are loved by him and that love is what shows in our daily lives. If we believe in who He says he is, it will show, no added agenda is necessary. Took me a long time to unlearn this and I have no intention of ever going back. Never.
This photo represents Jesus to me. He is lovingly watching over you and me. He is not doing anything but loving us. Whatever anyone else sees in us, that thing that draws not drags, comes from one who knows, he is loved. We sit at his feet, take it all in and share what we know to be true. Not what we think we should, could or might but what we actually, do. Should be good enough for each of us, wish we could at least, agree on that...