looking up...
We humans spend a lot of time, looking up. For many reasons and most of them are related.
We look up at the skies to see things we never see on the ground. Maybe if the things that we were looking up were on the ground, we wouldn't be too interested but is Something we never know. We look up for a reason. It is not our default. Something draws us away from our normal and comfortable stance of looking ahead or down. There is a promise of Something way bigger than us, something that is off scale and needs to be, up high. Whether you are religious or not, looking up has that kind of quality. It is one that for a brief moment, we give it our full attention and expecting a reward for said attention. It may come in the form of an affirmation, either visual or perhaps, just an emotional response. We are giving ourselves up to Something higher than what we normally see. Something that commands we stop what we are doing and look up instead. Never miss an opportunity to look up. Another thing common to us all, we hate to miss anything...