part time...
What comes to mind when you here, part time? Job? These days, it seems a lot of jobs are part time. For a variety of reasons, there is a negative connotation associated with a part time job. Most of us are looking for a full time, with benefits jobs, this day and age, they are harder to come by. We are living in an age where part time is starting to be the new normal.
I don't know if this sigma is fair to part time. Maybe it isn't all doom and gloom. Except anywhere else you apply it, it just gets tougher. There is the impressions that one is not giving it, all one has. That we are holding back, not living up to our full potential. We wouldn't want part time pay or part time 401k anymore than we want part time parents or friends. We are either all in or, waiting to be all in. Living with part time until The Ideal, full time comes along.
So what happens to us as a society if part time does take over? Is it possible that there is a positive in there, anywhere? I don't have the answer just my personal bias that may or may not, be accurate. I am a all in or all out, kind of girl. Right or wrong, I am driven by passion and whether a novel, or the way the light hits on of my favorite faces, I am semi-crazy and committed. I am 100% in everything I do, no reason that part time could not work for me. Need to keep that in mind, as the world changes, I don't want to miss a thing...