Sandy Hook...

Already a mental image comes into your head. I remember I felt physically ill when I realized the scope of Sandy Hook and Newtown. While I will not pretend to have an idea whatsoever, of what these parents and families have gone through, I can ache with them.

They want no ceremony tomorrow. They have asked residents to put a single candle in the window. While many will be trying to make up for having a week less to Christmas shop, these people, will never have that issue in the lives, ever again. So we and the media will respect their wishes. A candle in the window and a hope for us. For the world around us, for what is to come. There have been 172 children, under 12, killed by gunfire since Sandy Hook.


I am not sure we can do a better job of protecting our children, over 50% of those 172, were killed by someone they knew. Will this ever change with or without legislation, has yet to be seen.

Sandy Hook, we stand with you tomorrow. I pray for you and what you have had to bear and the empty chairs and years ahead of you. We will light our candles and think of you. May God our himself over all of you, more than you can handle. Covering each and every one of your hurts that this side of heaven, will be your legacy. Bless your all...