
You can't leave your TV on for long without being told that if you used this medicine or that procedure that you may be entitled to a monetary compensation. I have seen a hundred of them and haven't qualified for any of them. Perhaps I don't get around enough in the medical world - I admit, they scare me. I have been mostly exposed to the hunt and peck method of modern medicine and when it comes to medical matters, I am somewhat, gun shy.

Compensation (kom'pen sat)
1. to counter balance, to be an equivalent, make amends, or produce equilibrium

We live in a world that values compensation. Any way to make an extra dime. 15 years ago, I was on the receiving end of a class action lawsuit filed by women at the company I worked for. Didn't know a thing about it until I got a letter in the mail. Deciding that if I got enough to buy pizza for the family, imagine my surprise when I walked away with $9000.

We all have those times in our lives when we think life isn't fair - and it isn't. The sooner one learns that, the better off one is. I don't remember thinking that when I was growing up, I was too busy trying to find a way out. It has been in the last the last 15 years than it has occurred to me, that in a very real way, God has compensated me with the second part of my life ...for the first part of my life.

If everything falls apart today, I would still think the same. Watching the boys last night reminded me once again of that great Compensation. They watched the cool skateboarders do all their tricks and then listened with one gave his testimony on the saving Grace of Jesus. Compensation is not always monetary, we need to broaden the View and see all the counterbalance that is really there for the taking. Need equilibrium? Just look up...