Ballet Idaho...
DD, Miss M and I attended Cinderella, The Short Version last night. It was my first ballet and 45 minutes was just perfect. Unless Miss M goes into professional dance, it will be my first and last ballet. Not my cup of tea but watching all the little girls in the audience, staring at the ballerinas was worth every minute.
Did you know that Cinderella is a rather new ballet and that when it was brought to America from Russia, the Powers That Be decided there were no ugly ballerinas so they cast men in the roles of the Stepsisters. I loved the Stepsisters! I wanted to get their pictures and because the young audience was 1. scared of them and 2. wanted to meet Cinderella, their lost was my gain. Teenage boys in high heels and pink wigs. I couldn't even get Miss M to walk over with me despite the fact that could also have giving out makeup tips.
Too bad I had to wait 58 years to see a ballet. Loved watching their toes and the way Cinderella could position her leg was almost scary. Good thing I knew the Story, without dialogue one could get lost with all the kicks and jumping.
A wonderful time with my girls, I would go anywhere to share that, even the ballet...