I heart u...
Stopped at a red light on Valentine's Day, really - does it get any clearer than that?. There could be all kinds of explanations, very good ones. Maybe the Boy got up early and wanted to impress the Girl. Maybe the Girl wanted the world to know how she felt about the Boy. Maybe and just maybe, it had Nothing to do with the Boy or Girl.
What if God's plan for you was pancreatic cancer...Dr Tremper Longman. Got a sampler of small group studies with Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz) and assorted guests and less than 5 minutes in, I knew these would be a must to have. Frank discussions about God and the church. Learning to look at Him in a different light with a renewed perspective. Not being able to explain why God anything and being good with that. Realizing that nothing can be explained this side of heaven, that there will be times of sadness mixed with joy. Unexplainable, we do each other a disservice when we try to, when any answer is better than no answer. When you are ashamed that you can explain/defend/protect God. He doesn't need our help - He can speak for himself. The disservice comes when we aren't good with not being able to give firm, specific answers to life's most difficult questions about the what and whys of life.
What I don't know?
why bad things to good people
why pray if it isn't going to affect the outcome
why is God's Story so opposite to what makes sense.
What I do know!
answers to many questions are time delayed, don't waste any more time trying to figure things out that are unfigureoutable (?)
if you are just praying for outcome, you are missing out on the great Joy of just sitting on God's lap.
stories have many twists and turns. not until the story is done, do you see the whole picture. commit to seeing the story through, through the good and the bad, the explainable and the unexplained. Love Out Loud.
Looking forward to learning more and more about less and less. The less I need to know, the more I see. Sometimes, it even comes next to you in the middle of traffic when you least expect it. Eyes open, hearts clear...