fallow ground...

In the fallow seasons, the soil is being replenished and restocked so it can continue producing a harvest. Seeds need rich soil for nature to work. When it looks on the surface like nothing is happening, down deep everything is happening. That is why fallowing is part of the basic weather of living well.Nudge/Leonard Sweet.

Yet for most of us, recognizing that seems to be an issue. Whether perceived as being with lazy or just not enough value to warrant seeing that fallow time is a big part of helping us to move forward. For being such a black and white person, daydreaming has always been huge in my life. Not sure I saw the positive side but knew it has been a lifesaver many times.

The goal of fallowing is not to empty the mind or blank it but rather to fill the minds with good things.

When a farmer allows a field to fallow, it is customary for it to lay dormant for a year to regain its strength. A time for everything under the sun. A time to heal, a time to daydream and then, a Time to start all over again.

When your dry times comes, think about maybe taking some time to fallow your field. Whatever it takes, no pressure and then come back. Don't worry about when It is coming back, enjoy the quiet and peace now. Imagine being refreshed would help most all of us. A Time for everyone, under the sun...