in a heartbeat...
After a moment in the sun as the star of the game that sealed his team's 20-0 winning streak, Wes Leonard of Fennville High collapsed on the court and later died at the hospital Thursday night. MSNBC.
This is not meant to be sensational. From what I have read about Wes, he might understand that this is being used for good.
Minutes after a joyous Moment, Wes passed from this world to the next. No warning, and in the middle of a celebration of a season's win, his Season, suddenly came to an end. In front of family, friends and a whole community, it was a unthinkable end to a unimagined season.
Having lived basketball for the last 8 weeks, I can only imagine what those on and off the court, lived last Thursday. As I cheered really out loud for each time that Gage made his four baskets, I thought about Wes's family. It must have seemed, un real. That is Something I can understand.
If you have trouble living in the Moment, as I do, look at this and remember. Remember to savor every Moment. Make plans for tomorrow with a light touch. We all know how its ends, we just don't know when. Sometimes, 16 can be a lifetime. RIP Wes Leonard...