Happy New Year...
Still have Christmas 2012 on the brain. Maybe it is because of the glazed donuts, or maybe it has to do with my new Poloroid camera. Am beening purposefuly on what I want to document with those cute little business size photos. So far I have a photo of the kids on Christmas Day, complete with Miss M wearing a Santa hat and a chocolate glazed donut from Krispy Kreme. Not sure what the 2013 Poloroid book will look like but we are off to a good start.
Tomorrow marks the day of getting back to Real Life. Everybody is back in school and DH and I go back to everyday is a Vacation Day. Getting back to eating a bit better. Have read, Eat To Live, by Joel Fuhrman and looking at redefining how my diabetic diet. It seems overwhelming, have and will find out, how strong my addictive holds are. That is the scariest part. They have already let me know, in no uncertain terms, they are not going away without a fight are are armed and ready for battle.
The news about Miss Brianna the last week had been good. Looks like the transplant is finally starting to take effect. Her numbers are up, she is have less tummy issues. Already, 2013 is looking up.
I am excited for the days to come. New things to learn, new things to experience. Never in my lifetime has it been so easy to learn. The world is at our fingertips, we can go anywhere we want.
Here's to 2013.
May we become better people for being a part of her world.
Look forward to seeing more of you, thank you in advance...