snow day...
Had a pretty good idea that is might be a snow day but the morning made it official. We Facetimed the kids and Morgan said, her dad woke her up, and her alarm said 9:24 and she said, I am late for school! No worries today Princess, get ready to chill.
It is also DH first Snow Day. He said he doesn't remember having snow days as a kid, where school was canceled and there was never a snow day off work, so this is a whole new world for him too. He took the iPad outside to show the kids the new snow falling and watch the neighbor's kids playing in it.
So we are just hanging out, wondering if this constant new snow will bring another snow day tomorrow. Really, what would be the point of going back for just one day, let's make it a run of four days and try again next week!
Inside, warm and cozy. Not much could get me out today but it sure seems a shame to have the kids home and we are stuck here. We will each have to drink our hot chocolate apart and dream of warmer days. Thank goodness for Facetime. Who knew?