Logan ...

Logan is a 13 year-old boy who lives on a ranch in a very small town in Nebraska. Logan listens to Christian Radio station 89.3FM KSBJ which broadcasts from Houston, TX. Logan called the radio station distraught because he had to take down a calf . His words have wisdom beyond his years.

I am always suspicious when someone says God tells them things - but for Logan, I will make an exception. Whether it is a hoax or not, matters not to me. The Truth is the Truth regardless of the state of the one who brings the Message but I would like to think that Logan is who he says he is and that God is smiling as Logan tells his Story.

When you think about it, Logan's Story is not unbelievable as the Story about a jolly old man who travels the entire world in one night delivering toys to each and every home. Does God talk to us? I think it did this time...