Late last week, the same malware virus hit my computer, again. It was instant and my malware software would not solve my dilemma this time. After a couple of days of trying and realizing this one was over my head, I had to ask my wonderful SIL to bail me out once more and he, most graciously did. He always does, with no hint of anything but Love.
Gage might get his cheerful demeanor from me. When we get mad, it is all over. No inanimate thing is safe from our wrath. When it is all over but the shouting, and that can go on for a long time, we revert back to our fabulous selves. If I wasn't revealing this secret to you, no one would ever know.
Now that I am older, I see the Light a bit faster. One benefit of old age, I guess. There are times, there is Nothing you can do and you might as well not blow yourself up over things you have no control over. It is good to get all that bad stuff out that lingers inside and makes us crazy. Not just anger - thoughts, emotions and fears too.
Some of us, more than others, will always struggle and stuff down feelings that need to come to the top. They can't move on if they can't get out. I look at that face, and understand. Little Grasshopper will learn to control his anger, now his face may be a different matter...