When bin Laden was killed, a 6 foot Navy SEAL had to lie down next to the corpse to better estimate his height. Watching the scene on a live video feed in the White House Situation Room, President Obama quipped, We donated a 60 million dollar helicopter to this operation, referring to the modified stealth chopper destroyed in the mission. Could we not afford a tape measure?/The Daily
Think about what he is saying. Not just in the realm of capturing OBL although with some of the finest minds/teams working for months on the Geronimo Project, practicing every step, you might imagine that someone, would have come up with a scenario that would account for identifying OBL by height. It was about affording a tape measure as much as bringing such a small detail to the proverbial table.
So, take it up another notch - what in our lives are we feeding the 60 million dollar idea and forgetting the importance of the tape measure? Not enough guts and glory? Or are we just not capable of doing it all. Do we have someone on the team who knows, how to measure? Do we value the tape measure?
So many things did go wrong last weekend and many more, could have. They had one chance and Sometimes in life, that is all we have too. While President Obama's words made me laugh, they also, made me think and I do carry a tape measure in my purse. Take it up another level, my friends...