late night...

Jerry Seinfeld - Personal Archives maximum strength.

One of my most favorite things of life is last night comedy. Johnny Carson was my first Love, present day - I have a thing for David Letterman. There have been a few in between. Always men, always late at night.

There is just Something about the combination of humor, men and the cover of darkness that turns me into a happy girl. When the sports come on the news, I know I am only a few minutes away. A recap of the guesses of tomorrow's weather and I know it is time to get ready.

Not matter the day has brought, I know my boys are going to deliver. There is going to be current events and presidents to make fun of. Even if it has been a tragic day for our country, that darkness never enters the late night picture. True tragedies may be hinted at but this is no time for sadness. We have made it through the day, time to let our hair down.

The first 40 minutes are my favorite. Monologue, first and second guest. Music not so much, because no matter how much I love music, I can get that from iTunes, This is about laughter and music is no laughing matter. This gig could not be done by a woman with the possible exception of my favorite female comedian, Kathleen Madigan. This is a Place were the men can shine. Johnny Carson changed my life, Jay Leno makes me laugh when he is on the streets, David Letterman is a scholar and all the rest of the good old boys club, yearn to follow suit.

When opened a week ago, I was over the moon. Now I get three random JR classics daily. I have never been happier. Like the songs says, I love the nighlife, I like to boogie - Thank you guys for all the Love. I am truly a better person for having you in my life and the joy you have brought me, ah...the joy. Dudes, Thank you from the bottom of my heart...