Happy Mother's Day...
Yes, there are bacon roses. Something about them, just makes me smile. Can't help it.
Thank you Jef, I bacon you!
Someone on FB was encouraging us to change our profile photos to our moms, to thank them for all they do/did. For some, that may be possible. For some of us, not a chance. Not possible. The End.
All that said, there have been some spiritual break throughs in the mother department and quite uncomfortable at that. Where they will lead, I don't know but the fact that they keep coming up both frightens and intrigues me.
If you have a good or even great relationship with your mother or mother figure, enjoy it. Love her, miss her, call her, send her bacon roses. If you don't, look around and find someone you admire or long to be like. Mine is my girl. Mother to three, she is one who tries with everything she has. She is a fierce mother hen who is learning to grow and change as her kids do. Mother's Day for me, is being with her. She is my hero.
Hope your day is great no matter if you are/have/know a mother. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Grab what you can and hold on. It doesn't look like anything but what you want it too...