There are things in our lives that are progressive. That means that it is marching on, like it or not. There are also some progressives that can be held in check and some that, no matter what, we have no control over.
Some diseases are progressive. Parkinson's, MS and diabetes. In fairness to diabetes, it is agreed upon that with change, the disease can be held in check, sometimes even elimated but for most, it is a lifelong struggle at best. Obesity was offically changed to a disease last week. One is no longer obese, now, one has obesity. This is going to bankrupt insurance companies. Expect big changes in the workplace. Alcoholism is also progressive, just like drugs and food, it takes more and more to keep an acceptable level of being. Wonder why it takes 6 brownies instead of two to make the voices in your head...stop. Same disease, different symptoms.
The one we all share and can relate to is age. No human has ever beat it. Money cannot assure that the cancer won't spread, and spread quickly. Some of us are given many years, years to become parents and grandparents. To see the world change, for better and worse. Some are given shorter terms. Lives cut short, very little progession in their lives. Some never make it out the hospital doors. I always imagine they may see themselves as lucky.
We went bike riding last night with our kids and grandkids. Beauty and the Beast kept up pretty well for 3 or 4 miles and then we had to stop and sat at a picnic table while they continued on. It is hard to admit that you can't keep up but it needed to be done. We could have continued on and tried to kill ourselves to keep up but, somehow we have made peace with doing what we can do and being semi-ok with that. When they came back, we were ready to head back and finish our ride. It was a great night for biking, no matter how far you went.
With all things progressive, there are consequences. We do the best with what we are given and as the kids say, You get what you get and don't throw a fit. Whatever progressives are in your life right now, learn to make peace with. Give them due respect. It may be the smartest thing you ever do....