
"Do not fear, nor be afraid; Have I not told you from that time, and declared it? You are my witnesses." Isaiah 44:8.

I have been scared of Africa in one form or another since I was a kid. I can remember seeing National Geographic magazines at the check out stands and the wild colors, neck rings and the two naked youknowwhats above the grass skirts - that was my total exposure to anything African for many years. Each time we would go to the store, There would be those magazines and after an accumulation of views, that was a Place I never wanted to go to. Never.

When I started going to church for the first time at 26, the subject of Africa came up again and in a more terrifying way. They wanted me to pray about Going There. To help, to minister to those who had so much less and needed so much more. I've got to tell you, as riveting as those sermons were, they did nothing but fill me with fear. I would most certainly have chosen out of christianity if it had been an either you do or you are out type of deal. I can remember praying, Please don't make me go to Africa! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...

I would like to tell you that in the last 30 years that I have changed my view. That I have developed spiritually to the point that Africa is no longer an issue. You are bright people, you can see where this is going. Some things never change.

I got an email today about my KKSM boys and their trip to Africa. As I saw the header to the email, Africa, that same old feeling came back hot and heavy.

Saturday at the Stadium was the most incredible time for the KKSM Team,
during the demo the crowd was on their feet screaming when the skateboarders
were doing what they do so well. Elijah Moore shared a 5-10 testimony from
the skate park and challenged the crowd to think about what God can do for
them, Richard Jefferson then shared from the Main stage about the healing of
Moses at the orphanage and gave the Word, then Pastor Mark Jobe shared
the Gospel and gave the invitation to receive Christ and approximately 2000
people responded, they estimated because they were not able to reach
everyone in the crowd.

The email chronicles the dangers are well as the successes of the trip. As I sat here reading what God did through this team, for the briefest of moments, I forgot they were in Africa. It could have been Columbus, Ohio or London, England or Baghdad, Iraq. The truth is that there are people who need to be ministered to, Everywhere. Whether Africa or people in your neighborhood, if you are willing, you will go and tell. It's not about where but willing. In the back of my mind, I always thought that because this bothered me so much, that Some day I would have to go, kicking and screaming. God doesn't work like that. If He is trying to soften my heart, looks like it is working. You can't help reading about these boys, not only in harm's way but putting It out there for everyone to see. Take it or leave it - and they are taking it.

The same tapes about still Africa play in my head but they will have to make some room for the new tapes. The tapes of those who love and trust and are doing what they are told to do.

Go Tell... Right now for me, that is local not global. Go Tell where I am, everyday in some form or another. God has Africa covered, it is in good hands. My only concern should be is He as secure in what He has placed in my hands and believe me, today it is...