the Celebration of life...

My friend brought over a movie she wanted me to see. Without knowing anything about it, I put the DVD in the player and turned it on. It is called Wit and it is based on a play by Margeret Edson. It is about cancer, the medical profession, 17th century literature and so much more. I laughed and wept and finally, sobbed uncontrollably . The fears we all share about death and I saw the love of Jesus, like never before. Rent it, buy it or steal it, if you have too. I who have not read in a few years. can't wait to get my hands on this book. Funny how a day comes together.

Tonight, we are celebrating Miss A's successful journey from stage one breast cancer. A bunch of us are all getting together at a local Italian restaurant - those who have taking care of A and her family. Many hours of prayers, meal, babysitting - it does take a village to get thru cancer. For now, she has been given a clean bill of health and it is time to move to the next chapter of her journey...and ours.

You can't help but being moved by a movie or a real life Story about cancer. Just like wedding and funerals, you are just glad it isn't you...but Someday, it may be. All of this will be good practice but not until we are baptized by our own mortality can we fully comprehend for ourselves. If that day comes for me or someone in my family, I hope I will respond like these 2 brave women. Women are Steel Magnolias - it is not just a movie. I plan to party tonight with this mostly younger crowd. We are going to celebrate being women and being alive - doesn't get much better than that.