playing hooky...

Mr H's dad is a teacher and probably has had his fair share of excuse notes but does he know there is a company that sells them?
For about $25 the Excused Absence Network has your back. Students and Employees can buy excuse notes that appear to come from doctors or hospitals. Other options include a fake jury summons or authentic-looking funeral services program complete with poems and a list of pallbearers.

I understand the funeral service one. The company I use to work for, that DH still does, requires a funeral program to get funeral pay. Apparently more that one person has lost a relative, more than once. How sad are we as a nation when our word about the death a loved one falls on deaf ears because of our own behavior?

...the web sites show pictures of people sunbathing and playing golf using the fabricated excuses. One testimonial says, " I've managed to take the nine weeks off using these templates! It couldn't be easier!"

My personal job history is pretty short. Twenty five years with one company - 5 months with the other. The first one is still backwards. This is a multi billion dollar company - no little fly by night place. They just ratified another union contract last Friday that will bring a 3% raise and will double our health insurance. There are no paid sick days (never has been but if you are sick more than 3 days, you have to bring a doctor's note). Vacation pay is handed out once a year and is based on 1/52 of total hours worked for the year which in the 41 years that DH has worked there, never adds up to a regular 40 hr week.

Millions of Americans work dead-end jobs, and sometimes they just need a day off...People are going to lie anyway How many people go visit their doctors every day when they are not sick because they need a note?...
Maybe they have a point. DH hasn't had a day off since September 3 and it isn't looking good until Thanksgiving. He hasn't seen his grandkids. That is what we need - a grandkids template. I bought him a Halloween costume so we are hoping...but we won't know until about 5PM on Halloween night.

The last company I worked for - had it going on. I had 12 days of pay to use however I wanted in those short five months. They could have cared less and no excuses were necessary. Of course, I was hired a month after a company wide layoff and the department I was in was outsourced shortly after I left. So much for the VP of Legal telling me I could back anytime.

As for the The Excused Absence Network - I have got to give you an A for creativity. You guys will do well in this adventure. With the new privacy restrictions on medical information, people probably will not get caught. It is cheap and easy. Think of all the sunbathing and golfing out there just waiting... but I hope I will never, ever need your services...