These are strange, strange days. We are 43 days from making political history. The last 10 days have made that president job a lot less attractive one would think but as Bill Clinton said on David Letterman last night, there is no where to go but up.
The current climate for us is frightening. What is going to happen, is unknown. WE are all having to tighten our belts or worse. I keep watching businesses all around me close. The fear of $10 gas has been replaced with watching our 401K's go to 201K. Everything is up but us. Food, utilities - all the needs of life where the wants seem to be going down in price. Retailers were dealt a big blow with bad back to school sales and the Christmas season isn't looking much better.
With so much more time on our hands from not shopping and eating out, we might as well take advantage of it. It might be a great time to start a journal like my friend Anna's mother did. She is starting to record Stories for her family and finding she is liking it. What a gift this will be for her family while she got the experience of reliving old memories.
Not unlike physical climate, we have to adjust to what we have no control over. On a rainy day, there is no better way to spend it than with a book, soft blanket on the couch in front of a roaring fire. Now you could, sit by the window and wish it wasn't raining and sit with your head in your hands for 8 hours but what would be the point? Make the most of the climate you are dealt.
No one knows what it going to happen in the next few weeks or tomorrow, for that matter. Make lemonade when life gives you lemons - it's corny but we could all use a little corny every now and then.
I have lived through enough rough patches to know, it is not always fatal - no matter how it feels. One of my favorite quotes is from the movie, Steel Magnolies.
What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger...Amen.