Woke up this morning with a certain memory with a familiar smell. It was a few years ago - after a few nights engagement, I took my book to the speaker to get his signature. Before I got right up to him, I smelled the very familiar smell. It is a smell I have smelled for as long as I can remember. It is a childhood smell. One of those things you recognize the instant you smell it. It is as familiar as anything else you know to be true.
I remember being taking back a bit as I tried to to put the smell and the speaker together. I love and still love this author. His message of God's character has changed my life, more than once. It doesn't change my mind about him, his message or God.
I don't know why it was so strong this morning. It has been a long while since I have thought about that smell. Once in a great while I will get a whiff as someone goes by at the grocery store. As the smell and this man continued on my mind this morning, I prayed for him like I never have. I don't know why he was brought to me and I don't really care - I am learning to just pray when this stuff comes my way. I don't need to waste time figuring out why - that ship has sailed. After a while, it was time to start my day.
Last time he was here, I told myself to say goodbye. It was probably the last time he would be back and I thanked him, on the inside for all he had taught me. I said my final goodbyes and was good with it.
I don't know why the smell. I don't know if it was a physical smell or a godly smell and again, don't care. What I do care about is listening when I do smell it. There is a reason that it comes my way and it is to get my attention and paying attention is what I do care about...