fast, faster, fastest...
I literally ran into Walmart last week. I even timed myself - so much for living in the Moment. I just wasn't available - can't remember why the rush but it seemed important at the time. When I returned to my car, I noticed it immediately. Funny, not sure I would have seen it any other day. Maybe it was the light that got my attention but I saw it as soon as I got close enough to see - a spider web from the car to the left of me to the front door of my van. 6 minutes, that was how long I was gone - just 6 minutes.
I stared at it for a minute. It did stop me in my tracks. I guess I had never considered how long it would take a spider to weave a web but I know I never thought it could be done in 6 minutes. Did he see me coming? Was he just waiting for someone to pull in and be in a rush? Most likely, he was just messing with me.
Alan Greenspan told Congress last week that from a economical viewpoint, This is a lifetime credit Tsunami. Tsunami - good word for where a lot of us are finding ourselves these days. It happens fast and hits hard. No time to catch your breath and some, are not going to make it. The numbers are staggering, everything from housing to job losses, with no end in sight. Hard to know the right thing to do - changes have to made and sacrifice is across the board.
I finally got in the van, turned on the radio and headed home - just a five minute. As I pulled into my subdivision, the Hallejulah Chorus, sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir started playing and a big smile fell across my face. Someone on the radio station decided to pull out some Christmas music - for me, it was a spiritual Tsunami and just what I needed...