DH and I went to new to us class this morning. Heard the teacher preach so we had a taste of what it might be like and quite frankly, I knew I would be in over my head. The teacher is a college prof and the class is aimed at the academia world. Big words, big thoughts, huge ideas. Some went right over my head, I will admit but I was overwhelmed, in a good way. A wonderful way.
Took notes like crazy and my mind was on fire. Learned a long time ago, I need to be challenged to keep from going crazy. Haven't been in that Place in a while so this might be exactly where I need to be for a Season.
We all need to stretch and grow. If we aren't and we stay stagnant for too long, we are less likely to keep moving. It is a good thing to be in over our heads, to learn new things, and continue to learn. I had to pay attention the whole time, little time for wandering mind syndrome today. My notebook looks completely different today. Also, not a bad thing.
I need to research the definitions of prove and validate. I need to consider how much of my life is lived in the personal verses in the facts. It is good to remember that I can't explain it all and that when I am in over my head, that isn't drowning that I feel. It is just the feeling of thinking in a different way.
A certain thirst in life makes you go Places you never could imagine. We all need a push Sometimes, in a different direction. Happy I got to go down that road Today...