Time is like thin ice. Our days are spent living like ants in a mound, collecting our substance to survive the winter; to retire in comfortable plaid pants, blue socks, and golf shoes. All the while, the ice is melting, thin and slick. We don’t notice it until struck with tragedy. We or a friend are mangled in a car wreck, and we reflect on how fragile the whole thing isDonald Miller.
I don't get to say the Pledge of Allegiance much anymore. When you get older, it doesn't play a part in many of the activities we frequent. I look forward to the grand's sports because I know that every time, we start the same way. More often, we are still on the field when the next set of games start and I get to say it again. It is not just saying it but noticing those around me at mostly, their very best. Hats come off and for a few Moments, we are all on the same page. I can only imagine the multitude of thought going through the minds of those whose hand on their hearts may be there to hold in pain. Some know the cost of freedom because they have paid a greater price.
Melting ice. What does it look like in your life? Are you aware of it?
The ice is melting, thin and slick...
Truly hope you have a fabulous day...