1950 -- household budget/Per Time magazine
Food 22%
Housing 13%
Clothing 10%
Health care 3%
Financial/Ins 3%
Food 7%
Housing 18%
Clothing 3%
Health Care 16%
Financial/Ins 8%
Naturally, we would expect that life changes. It seems that things are changing faster now than ever before. What happened between 1950 and 2000 is nothing compared to 2011 to now, would be my guess.
Have read a few things about life being better in the 1950's. fAmilies could take vacations, grownups were working 40 hour weeks and most everyone owned a home. You expected to stay with one company for your years and retire in a comfortable manner.
That would not be the expectations of a 30something person today. They are told to expect at least 13 job changes in their lifetime. As you can see from the chart above, right after housing, their biggest expense will be health care. Never saw that coming.
One of the up sides is technology. We have had 3 sleepover in the last three weeks and they all end up, the same way. Just before bedtime, we call mommy and daddy and siblings on the iPad and say, Goodnight. Even the dog gets in on the action. It is a wonderful time of laughter, I love you's and goodnights. Some things change for the better, think I will focus on those...