
What does it take to get the emotional wind knocked out of you? Not one to be overwhelmed by nature as often as I would like, is hard to admit. Feel like it is a lack of appreciation for the One who made it, whom I am overwhelming grateful for.

This place does it for me. A friend found it a couple of years ago. WE have taken senior, tea party and family shots in this area. This day it would just be DH and I. After a ride in the country and a stop at one of the local wineries to take some photos of hills, valleys and grapes, we went home the long way to check out the woods.

The water is high but there are some fabulous photos to be had in a few, small places. The light is unbelievable. I could have stood there all day. To catch a few shots with that light, has carried me for a few days now. It is a feeling of being totally overwhelmed. It scares and delights me...