men and Christmas gifts...
Got in on a radio conversation between a man and a woman, the subject was men giving gifts. The interesting part was when they started talking, lingerie. One of them read an article that said a man should never, ever buy lingerie. The thinking was he would either buy something that couldn't be worn in front of the children and risk buying the wrong size and getting into another kind of trouble.
DH is not a present buyer, never has been and when we stopped trying to make him so, it worked out alot better.
Go buy whatever you want, is his shopping motto and it works for us. I have a friend whose husband has his own ideas of gift giving and doesn't take imput for Christmas and Birthdays. It works for them.
Men are good for many things at Christmas time. Whatever strenghts your man has, go with that. All men are not made alike. Mine is not a Christmas light hanger but he encouraged his SIL from the ground and handed up pieces, as needed. He got my little white wax trees, up and running. Batteries included. Life is good...