What happened?????
Blogs have changed my life. Turned my little world upside down. No longer do I read to go to sleep, or for a bookclub or just for the love of reading. These days, blogs fill my head and I couldn't be happier.
Ms V has 45 more days until her husband comes home from Iraq. She has 3 children, one since her husband has been gone. She has been holding down the family while he has been gone. She's a gem.
Ms C has more jobs than I could ever imagine. Her love for Jesus is overwheming and contagious. She's a gem.
Ms S shared her photo of her new daughter that she adopted and brought home last Friday. She's a gem.
Ms A is my creative muse. She takes you places you can't even imagine while sharing herself with us. She's a gem.
Ms G is Ms G. Love her energy and her total commitment to Target. She's a gem.
Ms H lives REal Life and shares with us. Would never have found Sally Jean without her. She's a gem.
Ms J is a real dooce. She makes me laugh and helps me to understand why humor is so important. She's a gem.
And Ms C who has shared the loss of her son, her Love of Christ and has given more than we could ever give to her. My prayers are with her daily. She's a gem.
Each one of these ladies and about 35 more make up my daily reading routine. There is something about the here and the now that has taken over my life and these women and their blogs have turned my world upside down. Not unlike Gage's hair - I am not sure how it got that way or if I will ever be the same again. At this point, I don't want to be the same. Blogs have brought Real Life to our doorstep and we can share in a way that is not possible any other way.
Whoever invented blogging, thank you. Thank you for bringing us together in such an unconventional way. I hope to include reading books again in my life but until I do, to those who enrich my life by the sharing of their world, their faith and themselves, thank you...I heart you...