history in the making...
While it is difficult, set aside for a Moment your disappointment or glee in last night's election. Try to wrap your mind and heart around the Bigger Picture. If your guy lost, it is not end of the world, no matter how it feels and if your guy won, there will be disappointments, count on it. They both gave gracious speeches. Both of them brought me to tears. For just a minute, forget about what could have been done differently or whose fault it was or even the president-elect and ponder with me...
Anything is now possible. Last night was history in the making. Early in the evening - before any of the polls closed, a commentator talked about if Obama won, there would never be a child who couldn't say, I can be anything I want to be. Never in my lifetime did I imagine such a sight as we saw last night. No riots, a level of civility I never expected. Gracious words from the one who understood his time was now done and encouraging words from the one who understood that his time was just beginning.
We witnessed a change in our country, literally in a heartbeat. Never again can any man say, I can't. There are no more excuses available. People will have to come up with other excuses, the ones they have used for years now longer have any validity. In 76 days, we will offically enter into this new environment but in this transistion, we have time to think about what we have now experienced.
We live in a country where we often say, anything can happen and now that it has - it may be a great time to remember that.
Psalms 91/The Message. Typed this up yesterday for my grands to keep by their beds. God is bigger than our fears. He is always there. He is forever. History in the making is for the here and now. It is part of our current residency and not a part of our true citizenship. While I have been amazed and moved by this historic moment, it is just one of many moments strung together that gives me more and more pieces of the human Puzzle. The perfect union will never be here on earth but it doesn't mean we aren't here to learn...and in the last 24 hours, learn - we have...