you are so beautiful to me...
More talk about prayer this week as we visited DD church. Great pastor, love his style. He talked about the personality types, Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy and Phlegmatic and how they affect our prayer lives. I have taken this test several times in different Seasons of life. While I can't remember how I scored, I do know that we change and it is good to check in once in while and see where we are. Today I scored high in Choleric and Melancholy, lower in Phlegmatic and lowest in Sanguine. Google if you are interested in learning more about yourself. What the pastor was getting at is that we all pray differently according to who God made us. I couldn't help but smiling, wondering if anyone else prays in song lyrics.
I have done this for as long as I have prayed. Different songs for different prayers. Form the day after Halloween, Nov 1 to the late night of Thanksgiving, is a special time of giving thanks - extra, more - just trying to be aware before I am engulfed in a red, white and tinsel world. I try to immerse myself in the orange, brown and green world of thankfulness. As I was processing family photos last night, this picture of Miss M brought Joe Cocker's voice into my head where it has laid claim for the last 12 hours.
You are so beautiful to me
Can't you see?
You're everything I hoped for,
You're everything I need.
You are so me.
What better prayer could there be that one of praise and worship? Some of the best God songs, sound just like this. Think I will dwell here for the day, can't imagine wanting to be anywhere else...