my favorite week of the year...

I start out my favorite week of the year with the memory of Friday night's sleepover in my mind. While there are three of them and only two ofus, i think we held our own. Popa got out his electric guitar and amp - and watched Gage transform in to a Rock Star. Popa is now on a quest to find Gage his own gear - he says he needs it. While Gage played it like he had been doing it for years and couldn't get it loud enough, Keaton played soft and mellow and then was done. Gage would have played all night if we had let him. Miss M wasn't feeling good so she was happy to watch her brothers.

Everyone was asleep by midnight except nana. Had to make sure they were down and as I lay between Keaton and Morgan, I thought again of what a lucky girl I am. I prayed for each one. Prayed for what they needed where they are. The other night as we said prayers, Keaton ended his pray with, God help us believe you and nothing else. His mama says this is the way he prays every night. Not bad, I am thinking. Not bad at all.

As usual the retailers are trying to shove us pass Thanksgiving, straight to Christmas. I refused to budge. This short week is the last time this year, to be able to take some time to bask in what we have been given and where we are. Even in less than good times, there has to be Something to be thankful for.

This year, I am going to immerse myself in the Christmas spirit. I am going to sing the songs, trim the tree and watch the tinsel, well, sparkle. No matter what my checkbook says, I am choosing to be free and enjoy every minute. Because of that, I am able to take the next few days and be thankful as often as I want. As the kids say, Yeah...