Happy Valentine's Day...

Look around, there must be something in your life to love. We always associate this Hallmark-induced holiday with couple love, but I am not sure I agree. I am thinking of several who are along this Valentine's Day that didn't expect to be. Don't let all the red bring you down. I know you can't go in any store without being bombarded with reminders that scream, I am alone.

I am more than aware of the love that surrounds me. I never take it for granted. We had a sleepover with Miss M and a little photo shoot before we headed out to one of two school Valentine parties for her brothers. Public school Valentine parties have changed. Not unlike those Hidden Vally commercials where the kids have broccoli-eating contest, there is an overflow of grapes, cheese, crackers and carrots. However, it is the cookies complete with much frosting and an overabundance of M&M's, it where the action is. Even teh Valentine's boxes are big and fancy. No longer are paper Valentine's the thing - you have to have candy with them or as the case in Keaotn's 4th grade party, a pen from a local realtor...Really.

I have the great honor of attending a wedding this Valentine's Day and better yet, get to take some photos, I am a lucky girl. I wish you a wonderful day and I hope whatever it is that you get great joy in being able to love. It is a great thing!