There have been a million Stories I wanted to tell you over the last 10 days and most of them I have forgotten now. Apparently they were Moments to be lived and not documented or, I just ran out of paper. However I believe that the Stories that need to be told, will eventually and in my journey of living in the Moment, sometimes they just fall in your lap - like this morning in church.
In the bulletin,
Found - Canta4 Model 470-D Behind the Ear Personal Hearing System. Contact church office for more information.
What other information could they have that they haven't detailed? Sounds pretty precise to me. Wish I help find this person - sounds like they could use some right about now.
It was 14 years ago today that 3 families met in my family room to have a church service. We sang, listened to the preacher and ate spaghetti. We had no idea what we were doing. The preacher hadn't preached in 3 years and had no intention of going back into the ministry. DH and I had no church making experience. Spaghetti I could handle and next Sunday, the 3 families will get together again for our 15 spaghetti dinner. Miss D tells me the first one to respond to the email was her oldest son. He is a grown man with a wife but sounds like he is either hungry or ready for another dinner. At last year's dinner we mainly talked about technology and how it affects the church today. This year, I can wait to hear what Zac thinks with Twitter and FB. I am so there, can't wait.
Go back 53 years, to my first memory. I am five and waiting outside for my dad to get home from work. I just know he will understand my plight and get me to where I need to be. I can't go back into the house...when he gets home and I explain in detail, I expect my suitcase will be packed in no time and I will get to go to my grandma's house - hopefully for good but my pleas fall on deaf eyes and I do go back into th house. What scared me was hearing my mother in German ask my Oma, who the 2 children are? and My Oma telling her, they were hers. She disagreed and stared at us. What I didn't understand at the time was she just been thru shock therapy and most of her memory was gone. None of that mattered to me. I was scared of her and wanted out. I don't even remember thinking about my sister, it was purely self-preservation.
Now, fast forward 25 years to my God journey, I had brought question after question to my friend, to answer before I signed on the dotted line with Jesus. The turning point came when I asked, Will I ever have to see my mother again?, and she said no and I was in.
I am less sure of that answer today and it still scares me but it is a different kind of scared. The mother subject comes up every once in a while and I take it in little chunks. The cool thing is, it in in small doses and it isn't always in front of me. That is the way this Jesus thing works. If anything is being shoved down your throat, you can bet it is not from God because when He is around, He makes it known. It is not His style to shove, cram or manipulate. It is also not His intention that you do the same.
I don't know what 2010 holds. Have been hearing alot of negative about 2009 but I just don't see it. Each of learned something this year, What to do or not to do. It was a year of learning and re-learning. I don't see it as a drag at all, not in the least. So, here we go. One step in front of the other. Whether baby steps or a full on run, I am ready. Bring it....thanks Jesus, who else could take this mop of a girl and make her whole, only You Man, only You...