the pilot and the passenger...

Within each of us is a pilot and a passenger. Sometimes we are in the cockpit and sometimes, we are just enjoying the view. Like with most things, there are times one is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sometimes, it is by choice. We decide that we are more capable of making the drive than someone else. And sometimes, that assumption which we make even more choices based on, it totally in accurate. Sometimes, we are comfortable always being the passenger and that has it's own potential danger.

So how do we know when to be the pilot and when to be the passenger? If we had the answer to that every addiction, bad outcome would be gone and ultimately make life would be perfect. The best we can do if to be aware everyday of where we are sitting. What is the view and decide if we are there for our own comfort, for the right reasons or if we need to switch places. regardless of our level of comfort. It is a daily human exercise. Pack your bags for today, off we go...